Tuesday, 28 March 2017

**** Best Words of Advice****

" Make your life a masterpiece, imagine no limitation on what you can be, have or do"


Friday, 10 March 2017

The Power Of Positive Thinking

If you want to be successful in your life, you have to start by changing the way you think. Proverbs 23:37 "For as he thinks in his heart so is he." What you think eventually manifests in one way ore another.The difference between the people who make it in life and those who do not, is not the schools they went to or the place they were born in, it is the way they choose to think and believe. If the homes we were born in or the schools we went to would determine our success eventually, then we would expect all people who went to the same school to have the same level of achievement. However this is not true, you will find a very successful person who emerged from one of the worst performing schools and a non successful person who emerged from schools considered to be the best.

Successful people have one thing in common, positive thinking. "A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes." Mahatma Gandhi. If you think limitations, limitations is what you get, you think problems, problems is what you get, if you think love, love is what you get and if you think success, success is what you get.

The world around us has a lot of negative energy, it is easy to be part of the negative energy and this explains why few people are successful and many are not. You have to make a deliberate choice to think positive, it is not going to be easy, but if you really want to be among the few who have made it in life you have to do it. Start by surrounding yourself with positive people,read materials that encourage you to think positive, listen to materials that encourage you to live the same lifestyle you desire and you are halfway there. But most of all you have to affirm yourself.

It is unfortunate that some of us have been brought up in a society or homes that have taught us to believe and live within our limitations. You may have heard this many times, this is not for you, our family has never done that, leaders have never emerged from our community and the like. Unknowingly, our mind and our hearts have been programmed to think and believe limitations. The day we know how limitless our capabilities are, that is the day we will find our freedom, spread out our wings and soar like eagles. Luke 17:6 Jesus tells His disciples, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.” The good news is, it is not late to re-program your mind to think positive, have powerful thoughts without limitations and live your dreams. Let not your past define you, rewrite your future and start by thinking positive, believe that it is possible to achieve and live your dreams .

Sunday, 8 January 2017

New Year Resolutions

So the year has come to and end and we are now on the chapter of another one. Every commencement of the year is never complete without new years resolutions. It is everywhere, its the talk of every one, every company. We are all excited to have a new slate from where to start on after all it's a new year and a new year should start with new beginnings. Well I do not know about you, but where I come from, New Year is a BIG deal and new year resolutions are part of it too. I am going to guide you on how to effectively make your new year's resolutions, that is if you have not done so..

What I learnt from last year
Last year I decided to take a new approach as far as new year resolutions are concerned. I decided not to have a big list of resolutions but cut them down to minimum. For the first time in my life I had only one resolution, one goal to achieve and it was all about me. Making me a better person. It is amazing how focusing on me made me grow this last year. I discovered a new me, or rather a me that I did not know existed, potentials that were laying unexploited and opportunities not yet explored. A whole new world opened up before me, an amazing world with unlimited possibilities. It is true that until you know yourself, you will always limit your skies and your wings to fly.

With this also comes the knowledge that it does not matter how much you have in your cup but what you have in it, if it is poison you better get rid of it, if it is wine well then call your friends and family and celebrate. Till the day you know what is in your cup, what is on your mind, that is the day you start to grow a new to unlimited horizons. If you have not yet take this reality check, I recommend you do so as soon as possible otherwise you are on a journey leading to nowhere.

One goal, one thing, one accomplishment at a time

Having this piece of information was important, I knew I had many dreams, many goals that I wanted accomplished in my lifetime. With this also came the realization that all of them can not be accomplished at the same time, one thing at a time, one goal at a time led to more accomplished work. If you thought that only your house needed de-clattering, think again. How clattered is your mind, your ideas, your goals? Reason why you should write them down, this will help not only to de-clatter you mind but help you to organize your goals and prioritize them. You will also realize that the accomplishment of one goal makes the achievement of the other nearer and easier. Make a point of picking one goal at a time, work on it, if you need to lay a foundation for another do so without losing your focus on the first one. The main idea here is to focus till completion. If you have the talent of working on multiple goals simultaneously without losing your focus, better for you. If you are anything closer to me where fewer goals work better than many, hold my hand and lets rock this.

How do you know if you are a fewer goal oriented person?

Check on how many ideas you have had in the past, how many projects you have started and how many of these have been accomplished. Do your projects lay unfinished? Do you still have a dream of finishing these projects? Does the passion of those projects still burn within your heart? If the answers to the questions above is nothing but yes, then you are a one goal or fewer goal oriented person. Re-write your unfinished projects in regard to their importance and priority putting into consideration the amount of time and money you need to accomplish them. Pick them one by one and work on then till completion before you pick another one. I know some of our last years resolutions lay in this category, do not put failure where it is not due, a continuation mark will do. And yes before I forget, we do also realize with time that some pursuits are not viable, they were neither goals nor our part of our dreams but a euphoria at the time. There is nothing wrong in admitting mistakes, be brave and noble enough to drop such as they will only drain your energy, passion and resources. Life is still good and too short to be wasted on trivial matters as such.

So what are my resolutions this year?

Personal development and more personal development. When personal development ceases, so do our dreams, goals and life as a whole. I will borrow this slogan from my mentor "small changes, big results" and work on this slogan towards my bright future. Sometimes all we need is to make a small change in what we eat, the time we wake up, the number of tasks we accomplish everyday, the way we talk to people, the strategies we employ from day to day operations, the people we associate with and we are open up to enormous possibilities and opportunities for growth. This is our year, lets rock it one goal at a time.